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Heydrich, the SS general in charge of the Final Solution, chaired a meeting at Wannsee (a Berlin suburb) to get all the government departments involved to work together. It was a short meeting (about 90 minutes) and did not make any policy decision. The Holocaust had already started.

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15y ago

At the Wannsee Conference (20 January 1942) various practical details of the Holocaust were decided. == After the Wannsee Conference the implementation of the 'Final Solution' became more systematic and uniform in character. In fact, many have said that it became 'industrial'.

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13y ago

To deport all Jews in Nazi occupied Europe to eastern Europe and execute them. The Jews that were able bodied would be put to work building roads, and when they were finished would be executed.

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12y ago

On January, 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler's second in command of the SS, convened the Wannsee Conference in Berlin with 15 top Nazi bureaucrats to coordinate the Final Solution (Endlösung) in which the Nazis would attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe, an estimated 14 million persons.

"Europe would be combed of Jews from east to west," Heydrich stated.

The minutes of that meeting have been preserved but were edited by Heydrich substituting the coded language Nazis used when referring to lethal actions to be taken against Jews.

"Instead of emigration, there is now a further possible solution to which the Führer has already signified his consent - namely deportation to the east," Heydrich stated for example when referring to mass deportations of Jews to ghettos in occupied Poland and then on to the soon-opened death camps at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.

"...eliminated by natural causes," refers to death by a combination of hard labor and starvation.

"...treated accordingly," refers to execution by SS firing squads or death by gassing - also seen in other Nazi correspondence in a variety of connotations such as "special treatment" and "special actions" regarding the Jews.


The Wannsee Conference made no decision, except agreeing to postpone deciding what to do with half Jews ... Some older books and other sources state - incorrectly - that the decision to exterminate the Jews was taken at this meeting, but that decision had already been taken. The meeting was about implementation.

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14y ago

Europe re-built, the Soviets expanded, many Jews moved to Palestine or America and the Cold War started

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women do not have equal rights

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What happened to the ghettos when the Final Solution was implemented in 1941?

The Final Solution was not implemented in 1941. By the time of the Final Solution most of the ghettos had been cleared and the inhabitants murdered.

What happened to the during the final solution?

millions of jews was killed

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The Final Solution was the name of the plan. The Allies knew of the final solution through intel, but thought it was a military plan, not plans for the Holocaust.

Is the Final Solution a noun?

Solution is a noun and final is an adjective and the Final Solution is a noun phrase or, arguably, a proper noun.

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the impact of himmler was that he was completely responsible for what happened to the Jews because he was the one who created the "Final Solution"

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The Final Solution went on for about three years.

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The Final Solution was the plan to rid of Europe's Jews.

What did Hitler call his program for dealing with Jewish people by sending them to death camps?

The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).

What was the nazi plan to eliminate the Jews?

"The Final Solution." Or "Final Solution." Often referred to in Nazi documents as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note that Hitler never actually came up with a specific plan - his subordinates (led by Himler and Heydrich) gathered together a committee to devise the actual plan, at the direction of Hitler.

How do you say the final solution in german?

final solution = Endlösung