In 1933 the Reichstag was set alight. Many believed it to be of Nazi activity. However, Hitler used this as a great way to get back at the Communists (the Nazis arch rivals). Support for the Communists soon fell.
as the fire was supposedly started by a communist, the nazis played on the theme of a massive communist conspiracy against the state. communist publications were banned and in the days that followed 4000 arrests took place, including communist members of the Reichstag. The second consequence was the introduction of the decree 'for the protection of people and state.' this emergrncy decree was written by the nazis and issued by president Hindenburg, who was convnced that the communist threat was real. This decree suspended the basic human rights of the german populace and thus hitler was in essence allowed to have dictorial rule. indeed though the decree was to be used against the so called communist threat, there was nothing to stop it being used against anyone. it was this legal use of force that allowed the Nazi party to 'legally' supress and carry out acts of terror.
The Reichstag
The Reichstag fire took place during an election campaign. The Nazis blamed the Communists for the fire and immediately banned them from taking part in the election. Hitler used the Reichstag fire to create a panic that made it easy for him to extend rule by decree. The elections took place a week later (5 March 1933) and Hitler soon got legislation passed allowing him unlimited rule by decree.
This law meant that thousands of Communists and Socialists in Germany were arrested, following the Reichstag fire which Hitler blamed on the Communists. Thus, this eliminated any opposition Hitler faced in the election which would be held in March 1933 - a week after the burning of the Reichstag. As part of this law, freedom of speech was suspended and left wing groups were banned. The SA dealt with those who publicly opposed Hitler. Newspapers were also shut down in relation to this law.
During the German Wiemar Republic election of 1932, Hitler failed to receive the majority of votes for presidency. However, the Nazi party had 230 members on the German council, this was the biggest group at that time. However in 1933, Hitler was appointed to chancellor of Germany by Paul Von Hindenburg. After the infamous Reichstag fire allowed Hitler to convince Germany action needed to be taken to prevent communist subversion. The origins of the fire have never been discovered, with people believing it was a conspiracy by the Nazis. In the aftermath of the fire Hitler managed to convince the Reichstag to grant him emergency powers, this allowed him to create laws without the consent of the Reichstag. This was passed 441 to 84, a huge majority. Hitler used these powers destroy German democracy. When Hindenburg died, Hitler officially became dictator.
Raising a flag over the Reichstag was created in 1945.
Reichstag fire happened on 1933-02-27.
Hitler gave a public address blaming the communists for the fire, and that they should all be rounded up and imprisoned. A Dutch communist, Marianus van der Lubbe, was found with matches in the Reichstag ruins and was arrested.
Reichstag burns on 27 February 1933.
Because marinus vander lubbe who was found guilty of startingths fire was a communist, hitler had an excuse to ban communists. He said that they were a threat and were trying to take over using violent revolution as the fire shows. Banning them means he has a majority in government and can make all the decisions he wants because communists were his main opponent. Some thought the fire was so convenient to the nazis that marinus may have been framed. He was gullible and maybe told to be in the reichstag with fire lighters. Jan 1933 chancellorship Feb 1933 Reichstag fire March 1933 enabling act
On 28 February 1933 the Reichstag (German parliament building) burned down. The fire was obviously arson, and the Nazis blamed the Communists. The fire gave them the excuse to proclaim a state of emergency and unleash panic and hysteria.
The Reichstag building in Berlin was set on fire in 1933, and it was used by the Nazi Party to justify the repression of their political opponents. The event, known as the Reichstag fire, played a significant role in helping the Nazis consolidate power and establish a totalitarian regime in Germany.
After being gutted by a fire in 1933 and damaged by air raids in World War II, the building was left in ruins. It came under West Berlin, but the West German government was set up in Bonn, with a new assembly called the Bundestag. During the 1960s, the Reichstag building was repaired but the dome wasn't replaced. After reunification, the building was restored again, with a new glass dome being installed. The Bundestag moved into the building, and it is now the most popular tourist attraction in the city.
It was burned down in the night of 27-28 February 1933. It is widely suspected that the Nazis started the fire in order to create panic and make it easier for them to rule by decree.
No a dutch communist did
Fritz Tobias has written: 'The Reichstag fire' -- subject(s): Germany, Germany. Reichstag
It wAs blown up by Germans