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The Confederate General Lee surrendered to United States General Grant ending the Civil War.

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Q: What happened at Appotomax in the American Civil War?
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Why is the appotomax courthouse a special place in American history?

its where the civil war ended.

Where was the treaty to end the US Civil War signed?

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Ageod's American Civil War happened in 2007.

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What happened on 1860-1865?

In the USA it was the period of the American Civil War.

What happened at Bull Run?

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The American Civil War

What is the name for the war that happened in the US between the north and the south?

The American Civil War, or the War Between the States.

What happened to American industry in years after the civil war?

The United States was transformed from an agricultural to industrial society in years following the Civil War.

What happened during the antebellum period?

It was the pre-Civil War era, after the American Revolution.

What happened in 1865?

The American Civil War ended. The south was the poorest region in america.

What happened to the southern economy as result of the of civil war?

The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.