Occurring soon after the conclusion of World War II, the Nuremberg trials were a series of formal hearings in which suspected Nazi war criminals were tried for their conduct during the war. Political, military, and economic leaders of Germany during the war were investigated during these military tribunal proceedings, with many of them receiving prison-sentences or being executed.
The Nuremberg Trials were conducted by a military tribunal of US, French, and Soviet military, in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945. Twenty-four Nazi war criminals were tried. The trials lasted for over a year, and ended with half of the criminals sentenced to death by hanging, while others received short prison sentences.
You want to know about Nuremberg but do not specify if you want to know about before, during or after World War 2. So I will address your answer in those terms.
After: The famous Nuremberg Trials of the Nazis charged with war crimes happened for several years. 24 major leaders of the Nazi Regime were tried, convicted and most of them were executed for their atrocious crimes. See related links below.
During: Nuremberg had been heavily bombed from the air by the Allied Forces of the Royal Army Air Force and the United States Army Air Force.
Before: Hitler had a huge arena built and other significant buildings. They held immense rallies and conventions in this city and at the arena. You can see these gatherings on films and in photographs.
P.S. Nuremberg is spelled that way.
The Nuremberg trials were significant because Nuremberg was the city in Germany where the Nuremberg Laws were created, which deprived Jews of German citizenship. The trials were held in Nuremberg because it was almost like a punishment for the Nazis.
The Nuremberg Trials are a set of trials held between 1945 and 1946, where the Allied Powers tried the "major war criminals" of the defeated Nazi's for crimes against humanity.
Nuremberg Trails
The Nuremburg trials were trials meant to find men guilty or innocent of War Crimes. The people involved were the Nazi war criminals and Allied judges.
Nuremberg is in Germany
Trails for Germans who committed crimes against humanity
The Nuremberg trials were post Holocaust.
A road to Nuremberg. However, the Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals to punish Nazi war criminals.
The Nazi leaders of he death camps were tried at the Nuremberg Trials.
The Nuremberg trials occurred between 1945 and 1946 in Nuremberg, Germany. These trials were a series of military tribunals held to prosecute major war criminals of the Axis powers after World War II.
Nazi related officials and soldiers.
The Nuremberg Trials.3
The Nuremberg trials were significant because Nuremberg was the city in Germany where the Nuremberg Laws were created, which deprived Jews of German citizenship. The trials were held in Nuremberg because it was almost like a punishment for the Nazis.
Nazi war crimes and crimes against Humanity.
they were the Nuremberg Trials, to try the Nazi criminals who committed murder during the WW ll atrocities against the Jewish people.
Siege of Nuremberg happened in 1632.