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they were all devastated and went into a small depression but recurred fast

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Q: What happened did the south attack Fort Sumter?
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When did the south attack Fort Sumter?

It was attacked on April 1861

What State did the attack of Fort Sumter occur?

The Federal Fort Sumter was located in the Charleston Harbor of the State of South Carolina.

What is an important event that occurred in South Carolina?

attack on fort Sumter

What city was the attack of fort Sumter in?

Charleston harbor, South Carolina

What happened after the attack on Fort Sumter?

Lincoln effectively declared war by calling for 75,000 volunteers, and the South retaliated with four more states seceding.The attack and capture of Fort Sumter effectively was the spark that began the US Civil War. Northerners who did not want a war with the South, now believed that this attack on the Federal fort in the Charleston Harbor was a justification for armed conflict with the Confederacy.

How did the public react after the battle of fort Sumter?

In the Northern States, the South's attack and capture of Fort Sumter, galvanized support to take arms against the South. Previously many Northerners saw no need for a war with the South. The attack on Fort Sumter changed this and the North wanted to engage in a war to keep the Union intact.

Why did confederate attack fort Sumter?

To assert their sovereignty over South Carolina.

Was fort Sumter confederate?

Fort Sumter was a United States fort which happened to be in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, waters claimed by the Confederacy. After its surrender it became Confederate.

In what year did the confederates attack fort Sumter?

Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861.

Who made the first attack on fort Sumter?

The fort was under union control before it was attacked by the south (south Carolina) and began the civil war.

Why did the southern states attack fort Sumter?

To assert Confederate sovereignty over South Carolina.

Where was the location of Fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter "is" in Charleston, South Carolina.