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they went down!

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Q: What happened to Frances Gary Powers in the cold war?
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What is the U2?

idk what U2 your referring to but im going to gues its the U2 incident durring the cold war. The U2 was a spy plane piloted by Frances Gary Powers that went down over Soviet Russia.

Who was Francis Gary Powers?

Francis Gary Powers was the pilot of the U-2 (USA spy plane) shot down while flying over the Soviet Union airspace on May 1, 1960. The event sparked one of the greatest international crises of the Cold War.

What was the U2 incident during the Cold War?

The U2 incident was where A united States spy plane was shot down over Russia. The pilot was Gary Powers and he was captured by the Russians, who used this to embarass the US.

Why the U-2 spy plane was important to the cold war?

Francis Gary Powers' U-2 shootdown caused the United States to halt U-2 flights over the Soviet Union.

What events happened after World War 2?

Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany. The United Nations were formed and United States and Soviet Union emerged as two world powers. The two world powers began the cold war.

Who were the axis powers in the cold war?


When did Cold Fear happen?

Cold Fear happened in 2005.

When did Cold Winter happen?

Cold Winter happened in 2005.

What actors and actresses appeared in Cold Blood - 2007?

The cast of Cold Blood - 2007 includes: Gary Biggar as Cox

What were the two super powers in the cold war?

russia and america

Why was the cold war a world wide affair?

Because the US and the USSR were world powers. World powers are called world powers because they EFFECT the world.

What would happen if the Cold War had never happened?

Something else. It's kind of pointless to ask "what would happen if" in cases like this. You can make up just about anything you like, and who can say if it's correct or not? At the very least, it would depend on WHY the Cold War never happened. If the Cold War never happened because the Russian imperial family successfully suppressed the Bolshevik Revolution, history would have taken one path; if it never happened because the Axis powers won World War II, it would almost certainly have taken a very different one.