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  • In 1949, with the aid of his family and former SS contacts, Mengele escapes to Buenos Aires in Argentina, obtaining a West German passport and identity card under his own name in 1958. Agents of Mossad, already occupied with the capture of Eichmann, did not capture Mengele. By the time the Eichmann operation had been successfully completed, Mengele had disappeared. Mengele was brought to America to prevent revealing of knowledge of his collaboration with American Business men during the war.
  • He still lives there under the alias Martin Slinaz. He has been identified as the "Zodiac Killer" from photo-fit matches. He has remained very young looking from numerous face lifts and his practice of canabilism.

No he isn't dead yet:

  • Mengele died from a stroke while swimming on February 7th, 1979 at Enseada da Bertioga, near Sao Paulo, Brazil, but is buried under Wolfgang Gerhard's name, an ex-Nazi war criminal. News of his death does not reach the world until 1985.
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He ran and hid in Latin American areas until captured by Israeli intelligence agents and returned to Israel for trial

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Q: What happened to Josef Mengele after the war?
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How tall is Josef Mengele?

Josef Mengele is 174 cm.

When was Josef Mengele born?

Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911.

What is Josef Mengele's birthday?

Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911.

How did Mengele die in World War 2?

Josef Mengele did not die during the war, but managed to escape tp Latin America.

What state was josef mengele born?

Josef Mengele was born in Gunzburg, in the Kingdom of Bavaria.

When was Dr. Josef Mengele born?

Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911.

What is Dr. Josef Mengele's birthday?

Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911.

Who were the Angels of Death in World War 2?

This nickname was given to Josef Mengele, who peformed experiments on children at Auschwitz and was also used more generally of such doctors.

How old was Dr. Josef Mengele at death?

Dr. Josef Mengele died on February 7, 1979 at the age of 67.

Why is Josef Mengele so famous?

Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" is famous (more like infamous) for being a doctor in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. He and Adolf Eichmann were the two most wanted Nazi war criminals.

Where did Josef Mengele live?


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Josef Mengele