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Russia in WWI really pushed WWI further to a more intense battle. As Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb student, Russia supported the Serbs (possibly) and in turn, other powers like Austria and Germany entered and supported the opposite side of the confrontation. Which lead to more countries getting involved. Russia was not the country that started WWI but it was a major factor in the war's advancement as a true World War.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The russia was the first one to invade German capital and u.s. and other alliences helped. Germany reached as far as Stalingrad but was shut down by freezing temperatures and was forced to retreat, by the time they decided to do that the was was already lost and Berlin was captured.

Some people say they won and some people say they lost.

The Soviet Union (Russia) was part of the Allies and the Allies achieved victorious.

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12y ago

Yes they did. The Russians surrendered under Lenin shortly before the war ended. With the signing of the Brest Litovsk-Treaty on March 3rd, 1918, they gave up about 25% of their farming land and 75% of their mineral deposits. Lenin did this to end the war quickly and gain control of the government with his promise of "Peace, Land, and Bread".

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15y ago

yeah man sorry about that my freind was messin. russia was on the allies side, i believe. for both world wars

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13y ago

From my research that I am seeing, Rise of Nationalism.

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Q: What happened to Russia during World War 1?
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Tsar Nicholas II was the leader of Tsarist Russia in World War 1.

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Russia was not an ally of Germany in World War 1.

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Nicolas was the acting ruler of Russia (czar) during World War 1, however during World War 1, The Soviet Revolution happened and the czar was overthrown and Russia soon pulled out of the war and became neutral. The Soviet Union would form out of it, lasting from 1922-1991.

What years were russia and germany at war?

During World War I, they were at war from 1914 until 1918. During World War II, it was 1941-1945.

Who was Russias's ruler during World War 2?

Joseph Stalin was Russia's ruler during World War II.

What happened in stalingard during World War 2?

Russia won the battle over Germany and was a huge blow to Germany. This also was a major turning point during WW2.

Who was in charge of russia during the world war?

Czar Nicholas II controlled Russia during World War I. He lost power during the final year Russia was in the war and the Alexander Kerensky was in power for the final months before Lenin took over and negoitated Russia's surrender to Germany.