Dead or if they lived burned and with radiation sickness. The explosion spread outward over 30 miles and water boiled instantly. People's shoes blew off.
Of course, from 1941 to 1945.
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Yes, he killed himself. Germany was going to lose the war within a few days. Hitler had seen what happened to Mussolini in Italy when Italy had lost (he was killed).
As it comes from the prefix "intra" that means "within" and the suffix "bellum" meaning "war", I'm supposing that intrabellum means "within war"(within a war/within the war).
To the top there is an open end. See the living of Hollywood stars with private airplanes and yachts. The standard of living refers to the quality and quantity of goods and services available to people, and the way these goods and services are distributed within a population. It is generally measured by standards such as income inequality, poverty rate, real, i.e. inflation adjusted income per person. Other measures such as access and quality of health care, educational standards and social rights are often used as well. Examples are access to certain goods, such as number of refrigerators per 1000 people, or measures of health such as life desires. It is the ease by which people living in a time or place are able to satisfy their wants.
Anyone living within a mile of the explosion would likely have experienced significant damage to their property, potential injuries, and possible exposure to harmful chemicals or substances released during the explosion. They may have been evacuated for safety reasons, and some could have suffered severe consequences depending on the scale and nature of the explosion.
An explosion is a a violent blast that ultimately destroys an object or objects around it. An explosion can be deadly within close proximity of the blast and if the explosion is large.
Chernobyl*? Everyone within a good several-radius of the explosion, including plant and animal life. Nuclear radiation tends to kill living things.
He was the ruler of all dead and his realm, he kept the ghosts of the dead within it did not care for the living or what happened upon earth.
The blast would have killed anyone within 30 miles or so.
Hello, is there anyone home?Anyone is welcome on as long as they follow the rules and Terms of Use.Go and ask if anyone would like a cup of tea.
Nuclear explosions produce a shock wave that moves faster than sound, so the initial blast is typically heard after the explosion has occurred. Additionally, the energy released during a nuclear explosion is so intense that it can damage the eardrums of anyone within range before they have a chance to perceive the sound.
An explosion of a firework requires heat to ignite the chemicals within the firework. Once ignited, the explosion of the firework releases light, sound, and heat energy as the chemicals burn and react.
Yes, the Challenger Disaster was caused by a failure in an O-ring seal on one of the solid rocket boosters, which led to the explosion of the space shuttle. The disaster was a result of a combination of technical and organizational factors within NASA.
Noboby can survive a nuclear bomb if he is within explosion distance.
The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began expanding from a very high-density and high-temperature state, but it was not an explosion in the traditional sense. It was a rapid expansion of space itself, not an explosion within preexisting space.
within the living