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1. Germany of course lost almost its entire Jewish population, which had played a key role in its cultural, academic and scientific life before 1933. 2. For younger Germans in particular, coming to terms with the fact that they are members of the nation that committed this appalling act of genocide (and that unleashed WWII in Europe) has made it very difficult for them to be proud of their nationality in any ordinary sense.

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18y ago
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17y ago

I expect you mean the Nazi Holocaust. If you ask the current leader of Iran, it didn't happen (morons on parade). He also states that the topic is 'open for debate.' Yeah, everywhere except in Iran. Lots of cities have Holocaust Memorial museums, and you can find (old) Jewish people who have their prisoner number tattooed on their left arm (the Nazis kept excellent records). Ask around and find someone and learn firsthand what happened. They won't be around long . . .

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16y ago

Jewish people, disabled people, gay people and many others were taken to concentration camps and killed. Literally millions of people died, including thousands of children. Most were gassed, others were shot, many simply starved to death.

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13y ago

Everyones, of course the Jew's who were completely disregarded as humans, though the fact that when all this was happening, people were sitting back with fear, however there were the occational people who stood up against it, died, like Sophie scholl and her brother Hans.

Everyones, ofcourse the Jew's who were completely disregarded as humans, though the fact that when all this was happening, people were sitting back with fear, however there were the occational people who stood up against it, died, like Sophie scholl and her brother Hans. Also their rights were taken away they had ruls and haded to follow then

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14y ago

they saqw things thaqt noone should ever see. these picture are with them in their minds every single day. they will never forget the tragic horrors of the holocaust. this is why i have such high respect for them.

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16y ago

It Changed Peoples lives because there were so many deaths in the holocaust of innocent peole. they were killed for what they belive in.

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11y ago

Many of them ended, which, you have to admit, is quite a drastic change.

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What happened to the Jewish people who lived in Poland during the Holocaust?

About 90% of them - that is over 2.9 million - were slaughtered in the Holocaust.

What happened to people inside gas chambers during the Holocaust?

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Older people were gassed as soon as practical after arrival.

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so that people would be able to know what happened.

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Nothing specific, the US was fighting a war for most of the time during the Holocaust.

What event happened to the Jewish people during World War 2?

The Holocaust. Google it. It's pretty significant

Were families hidden during the Holocaust?

NO, Israel was the name for the Jewish people. According to Judaism, when the Messiah comes, he will create a state which will be called Israel, it will be roughly where mortal gentiles thought that they had the right to call their state 'Israel', but this happened after the Holocaust.

Why did people want to survive during the Holocaust?

One Holocaust survivor, David Faber, survived because he promised his mother (who was murdered) he would tell the world what happened.

Do you disagree with what happened during the holocaust?

Most people would agree that the systematic killings of 7 million innocent people was pretty distasteful.

What are some of the things that happened to people during the Holocaust?

They would have been killed treated inhumane or sent to concentration camps.

What happened during the time of the holocaust?

World War II