People who refused to fight the war are given a choice to work somewhere else, such as hauling ammunition, supplies, aboard ships/planes, or working as a medical doctor not in war, but in relief centers (only scholars) or lame paper work. *note most industries are taken by women* But in war itself, if some one cowards out, the commander has no right to "kill" them in the allied side, but instead given a harsh task as digging ditch in trench warfare, running errand around as a "mail" boy during the heat of battle. While in the axis side, it is believed that if you refused, you get killed as you have no "honor"
they stayed at home because they were LAZY!! and let everyone else do everything for them haha ily jess. On the contrary, you are probably thinking of men who regarded themselves as "conscientious objectors", i.e. opposed to war and the killing it requires. Once confirmed as genuine, these men were ordered to unpleasant work, in coal mines, etc.
You were often treated as a coward and a traitor and as a symbol of this a woman would put a white feather in your pocket. Sometimes your family and friends would turn against you. If you did not serve directly in the war you would be used as: army medical coprs, cooks, medical orderlines, stretcher bearers etc. If you refused to take any part in it whatsoever you would be court-martailed, sometimes sentenced and sent to prison. Any help? X
People from Swindon did fight, but the town did not declare war independently.
they still fight for freedom because their are still races people out in the world and they wars are not yet over
he wasn't in world war 2 I don't think I thought he died during World War 1 but he didn't fight
we have learn that we should not fight and respect people from all over the world.
i think they will kill them
It never was, it just happened when enough people wondered how the world worked and refused to accept silly answers.
They refused to fight because of the harsh weather, and for fear of loosing
they had a fight
it happened b cause people take over land and fight 4 them
it happened b cause people take over land and fight 4 them
No, they did not fight for the Jews.
it was forced to fight against the other countries
Slavery has happened because of controlling and racist people in the world.
a little person came along and said get off my land lol ( not really ) i think they had a fight and then spread different parts of the world and that place was the native and there are parts
What she did was refuse to get up from the front of the bus back when black and whites were segregated and black people always had to sit in the back of the bus, but what made her coragious was that she refused to get up and let a white person sit down and had to go to jell. she started the bus boycott when all blacks refused to ride the bus.
Guns and stuff.