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Q: What happened to the standard of living for workers in the western world as a result of industrialization?
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What happened to the standard of living for most workers because of industrialism?

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What were the positives aspects industrialization?

Increased production of goods, creation of more jobs to the workers, better housing, new innovations, increase in the national wealth, enhancement in the standard of living were the positive aspects of industrialization. This led to more stability in the industrially developed nations.

What were three phases of development of industrialization of the north?

Businesses, workers, transportation

How did industrialization lead to a decrease in the need for skilled workers?

The industrial revolution increased the demand for workers because they had created more jobs.

What is a good thesis for western history relating the life of a peasant and factory workers?

Assuming that you are comparing peasants in feudalism to factory workers during the early industrialization era, you could say something similar to this: Akin to the life of peasants, factory workers endured harsh working conditions with little compensation and were often provided a place of residence by their superiors.

Was one aspect of industrialization was a shorter work day resulting in more leisure time for people?

No, the opposite happened during the early stages of industrialization. Factories and industries often required long working hours, sometimes up to 12-16 hours a day, to maximize production. It was only much later, with the rise of labor movements and advocacy for workers' rights, that the standard workday was gradually reduced to 8 hours, giving people more leisure time.

Which of the following was a reform that was proposed to address problems caused by industrialization?

accident insurance and pensions for workers.

When was Western Australian Prison Officers Union of Workers created?

Western Australian Prison Officers Union of Workers was created in 1934.

what was Alice Paul's view on industrialization?

Alice Paul was primarily focused on women's suffrage and equality, but she also advocated for workers' rights in the context of industrialization. She believed that women workers should have access to fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize labor unions. Overall, she viewed industrialization as an opportunity to advance social progress and gender equality.

How did factory owners benefit from industrialization?

Many jobs could be done by unskilled workers for lower wages.

What percentage of workers in china are underpaid?

90 % of workers in China are underpaid by western standards