Well, what happens,A lot of things happen. But, if you mean what happens because the air is cold, plants die, animals die, some say it's easier to breathe. (And it's usually cold when the barometric pressure is high.)
A cold front occurs when a cold air and a cold air mass hits each other and the warm air rises
The CIA created an airline known as Air America to support operations of the Cold War.
Because the water can freeze in cold weather And cause brake failure.
the atomic bomb dropped in 1945. during cold war. how did it start the cold war? 1.It caused the arms race 2. Plus they threatened the Soviet Union. 3. They wanted to fight for super power (basically who ruled land air and sea inc outer space) This all lead to the cold war. Hope this helps.
A Buffer State is a country that is neutral but sits between two countries with conflict. During the Cold War The US and the Union of Soviet were in turmoil but the Soviets would have to cross into Canadian air space to get to the US. Therefore making Canada the Buffer.
The air pressure is high when the air is cold, and it's sinking.
Fog appears when cold air sinks to the ground.
I. The cold air mass is pushed underneath the warm air mass.
I. The cold air mass is pushed underneath the warm air mass.
cold air replaces it
Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.
Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.
The warm air mass is forced up and over the cold air mass, resulting in the development of a cold front.
it rises
severe weather