The same as with any other war, history would've simply been altered. One cannot tell what the change might be (or have been) but there would be a difference in the present.
The North won and the South lost in both undeclared wars; US Civil War & Vietnam.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
The US Army's 101st Airborn Division (Ambl).
north viet nam, you cannot fight a limited war and win, as is going on in Iraq presently.
The Vietnam War was the second "hot" battle of the cold war. The Korean War was the first "hot" battle of the cold war. The US fought to prevent the communist nation of North Vietnam from conquering the free Republic of South Vietnam. The communists won this second round on 30 April 1975, when communist tanks crashed through the South Vietnamese Capital's front gates, and parked their tanks on the capital's front lawn. They had won, the war was over.
The North won and the South lost in both undeclared wars; US Civil War & Vietnam.
North Vietnam won the war.
Japan left Vietnam because the US won the Vietnam War. The US effectively kicked them out of the area. This was preventing China from invading Vietnam as well.
The North won.
The former NORTH Vietnam won the war; they are known as just Vietnam today.
Vietnam won the French war. North Vietnam won the American Vietnam War. There was no such country named "Vietnam" during the American Vietnam War 1955-1975. There were two nations: North VN & South VN.
North Vietnam won the war.
North Vietnam won them.
It failed; the communists won the war.
North Vietnam.
North Vietnam won the war.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!