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well if slavery was legal again their would be another civil war and cause many conflicts.

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Q: What if slavery was legal again?
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Was slavery legal in all colonies for many years?

Yes it was... The north finally decided that slavery should be abolished finally since they did not use slaves. When Abraham Lincoln got elected that started the war.

What was the goal of the abolitionists in the 1800?

The goal of the abolitionists was to abolish (do away with) slavery as a legal institution in the US. The movement grew in the early 1800s partly as a result of the differing state laws. In the South, slavery was legal and supported labor-intensive agriculture. In the North, slavery was being phased out in favor of employing new immigrants, and agriculture was not the only economic activity.

When was slavery introduced?

Slavery in the US had been practiced for roughly a century before the Revolutionary War.ANSWER:The first evidence of slavery in the American Colonies, comes from sales records of the 1640's. The slaves were in the Chesapeake colonies.The first legal recognition of slavery was a Virginia statute in 1662, which said that the status of a newborn child depended on the status of the mother. If she was free, the child was free; if she was a slave, the child was a slave. This made slavery inheritable.

What were the two main issues resolved by the Civil War?

Although the Civil war wasn't started over slavery, that was the biggest issue that was resolved. The second one would be the fact that the South rejoined the North and the United States became one again.

Why was slavery one of the causes of the civil war?

Slavery was not the cause of the war. The war was about economics.

Related questions

How were the black codes similar to slavery?

the black codes were similar to slavery because they basically made treating the emancipated freedmen like slaves legal again

Slavery was illegal in ancient Greece?

No, slavery was legal in ancient Greece.

Was slavery ever legal?

Yes; slavery was legal for a very long time. Then, Abraham Lincoln stopped slavery by his famous saying," All men are created equal!" So, yes, slavery has been legal!

Was slavery legal while James Polk was president?

Yes. Slavery was legal in the southern states when Polk was president.

Why shouldn't slavery still be legal in some states?

Because slavery is wrong.

What was the only nation that had legal slavery in eighteen seventy six?

Brazil was the only nation in the world with legal slavery in 1876. It abolished it in 1878.

Slavery was not legal in the border states?

Slavery was legal in the border states. However, since they did not secede to join the Confederacy, they were not included in the Emancipation Proclamation.

Was slavery an issue?

Yes slavery was and still is an issue in many countries (both legal and illegal).

What was prohibition of slavery called?

The prohibition of slavery was called abolition. It refers to the legal and social movement to end the practice of slavery.

What if slavery was still legal in the US?

if slavery was still legal today in the united states of America, i personally think the the whole nation would hate each other. the northerners would still be against slavery, and the southerners would still have plantations for slaves to work on. the nation would be in a major crisis if slavery was legal today.

Was slavery legall in colonial New Jersey?

Slavery was legal in colonial New Jersey. It actually had obtained legal sanctions through various legislations. Slavery started being abolished in the early 1800s in New Jersey.

Slavery was legal in America for approximately years.?

Slavery was legal in America for approximately 245 years, starting in the early 1600s and lasting until the end of the Civil War in 1865 with the ratification of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.