The US Civil War nearly tore the country apart into North and South. It split families on two (both) sides along ideological lines-- e.g. based on people's opinions and ideas (ideological arguments) about slavery. It also became a point in which to gather the Union together.
The word "antebellum" simply means "before a war." It is most often used to describe the period of US history before the US Civil War, but it could refer to any war.
1861, the un-declared US Civil War, officially called the "War of the Rebellion", and also known as the "War between the states."
The Civil War was a war that was fought between the North and South of the US between 1861 to 1865. People choose to celebrate the Civil War to honor their heritage and history.
US Civil War 1861-1865.
The US Civil War placed pressure on Maryland because it was a slave state and there were a good number of pro-Confederate forces within the state. The war's impact was severe. President Lincoln used Federal troops to help keep it part of the Union and he may have violated the civil rights of its citizens by suspending habeas corpus. In addition,Confederate Lieutenant General Robert E. Lee conducted a raid into Maryland in September of 1862. He hoped to gain support there for a move into the Confederacy. Maryland was also impacted by the Battle of Antietam. This one day battle on September 17, 1862 was the bloodiest single day of combat in the war, and in US history more Americans were killed there then in any other future one day battles in US history.
While certainly an important event in US history, the US Civil War didn't "lead" or "start" the study of US History.
The Us Civil War was the bloodiest war recorded in US history.
The American Civil War
Traditionally it has been the US Civil War and WW2.
The Civil War was a huge change in American history. If the North hadn't won the Civil War or the Civil War never occurred, blacks would probably still be fighting for equal rights! The Civil War was one of the major wars that occurred and changed the United States of America...
just one? Civil War
Since the US Civil War was fought in the US, and the most widely place called Oxford is in England, the one would have had little if any impact on the other.
If you mean only involving the US, than the Civil War.
The Industrial Revolution. :]
the englissh civil war impact on us today because look around where ur at look where u live at look where ur are or will be at............................. i rest my case
The Civil War (Over 650,000 deaths)
Lots of countries throughout history have had civil wars