Atlee, Truman and Stalin...were the main leaders at the Potsdam conference although Churchill did sit through some meetings.
The atomic bomb test
the Potsdam conferenceWrong. Truman (not Roosevelt) attended the Potsdam conference in Jun (not Jan) 1945.The correct answer is the Yalta conference at Yalta on the Black Sea in Feb 4-11, 1945 between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Spencer Churchill and Josef Stalin to discuss strategies for dealing with the end of World War II.
The conference was to bring Stalin into WW2 against Japan, discuss the forming of the United Nations, what would happen to Poland, what would happen to Germany. It ended with everything pretty much as it was before the conference.
The "Big 3", known as Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt (and other allies) met at Casablanca and Yalta and Potsdam to plan and discuss matters concerning the war.
The atomic bomb test
Potsdam of the federal state of Brandenburg in Germany. It was known as the Potsdam conference.
The conference is known as the Potsdam Conference. They also had a conference in Casablanca.
Atlee, Truman and Stalin...were the main leaders at the Potsdam conference although Churchill did sit through some meetings.
Yes. They were there along with Churchill from Britain.
Similarities were that they were both about what to do after the war
The Potsdam Conference consisted of England/Churchill , Russia/Stalin and US/Truman .
Stalin as he got billions of pounds.
allowing free elections in eastern Europe
It became painfully evident at the Potsdam Conference Stalin was going to be a huge problem after the war and that England was no longer a significant force. The situation at Potsdam revealed the leadership changed from the Big 3 to the Big 2 in the Allied Forces.
The Main Leaders of The Potsdam Conference were Truman (America), Joseph Stalin (Russia), Churchill, but later Clement Altee (Britain).