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The Geneva Convention

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701 Mastermind

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7mo ago
The Dividing Line between N and S Korea, and N and S Vietnam, not to mention the convenion on POW's are treated
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David Stafford

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2y ago

The Geneva convention

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Q: What is Geneva famous for?
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What is the famous lake in Geneva called?

Lake Geneva

Geneva's most famous tourist attraction is?

Lake Geneva.

Is the University of Geneva famous?

yes. i is famous for genetics and evolution.

What famous person lived in Geneva?


A famous convention was brokered in which Swiss city?


What famous reformer was from Geneva?

it was john Calvin (pretty sure...)

What is the famous french spa on Lake Geneva?

Evian Les Bains

What are the locations and items that Switzerland is famous for?

Switzerland is famous for chocolate and watches Geneva and Zürich are very famous metropolitan cities in Switzerland

Famous lake starting with a G?

Lake Geneva on the border of Switzerland and France.

In Geneva's famous rose garden what flowers have been named for celebraties?


In Geneva's famous rose garden what flower is named after Charlie Chaplin?

A rose

What are the origins of the Geneva hotels?

The original hotels of Geneva began as renovated homes. The oldest of which is at the Quai du Mont Blanc 13, on the western shore of Lac Leman. It is the oldest and most famous hotel in Geneva, serving guest since 1865. There is the Whiting House, that sits on Lake Geneva, built in 1870, converted to a famous hotel in 1900s by developers like Frank Lloyd Wright.