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liebchen = sweetheart (diminuitive of "love")

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Q: What is German word liebchen?
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Related questions

What part of speech is liebchen?

The word liebchen is a noun in German. It means sweetheart.

How do you spell leepchen?

The German word is Liebchen (dear one).

What is the german word for darling?

== == "Liebling", "Liebste" and "Liebchen" are the more correct words,. But "Schatz" or "Schatzie" are common alternatives.

What is liebkin?

I believ it is liebchen. lieb-love, chen-suffix indicating a diminutive. It means sweatheart, or my little lovely; it is a term of endearment usually used towards small children. I think... not actually german....

How do you spell leapshin?

That is the correct spelling of "leap" (to jump out, over, or above).

What does leibchen mean?

Liebchen means Darling in German.I can't believe anyone said leibchen (tiny corpse) to you.

What does mein leibschen mean in German?

"Leibchen" means "bib or bodice". The word "Leibschen" is unknown,"mein" means "my".====================================================You probably mean mein Liebchen - my love, my darling

What is a liebchen?

Das Liebchen is sweetheart in English.

What is 'Mein Liebchen' in English?

My little darling. Or thereabouts. It should be "Mein kleines Liebchen", though.

What does mine lepshine mean in German?

I think you must mean "mein Liebchen," which means "my darling" or "my sweeheart."

How do you spell leapchin in German?

Liebchen = Lieb + chenLieb means "love" and chen is a diminuitive suffix implying something small.

Is Liebchen male or female?

"Leibchen" is traditionally a German diminutive term of endearment that can be used for both males and females. It translates to "darling" or "sweetheart."