A type of barricade system used by the Germans in WWII that prevents aircraft landing; it's appearance is that of a long, thick wood stick and is often placed with a mine on top
The beach obstacles were called "Rommel's asparagus"
The importance of El Alamein was that British and Australian armour and troops finally destroyed Rommels's vaunted Afrika Korps tank forces whilethe Allied Tactical Air force destroyed his fuel dumps and parts depots. The Allies won a very decisive victory.forcing thr Germans out of Africa.
The Desert Rats were specifially the 7th Armoured Brigade within the 8th Army in North Africa in WW2 fighting against Rommels' Afrika Korps. Their symbol is the jerboa, a desert rat. They went on to Italy, and fought in the D Day offensive in Normandy & the Rhine crossing in 1945.
Spikes in the ground to spear Parachutists on landing were known as Rommels Asparagus.Rommel's Asparagus were more inland off of the beaches. Good . But they were placed in fields to prevent their use as a glider landing site.Hedgehog - Shapes made from iron I-Beams that were placed on the beaches to prevent landing craft from getting ashore. Ironically, the steel from these were cut up and welded to the front of Allied tanks to be used to cut through the thick hedge rows.Belgian Gate - These were metal device used to block the exits that lead up from the beach.Wooden Ramps were a beach obstacle that supported a heavy round, wooden pole at an angle. This ramp was suppose to flip a landing craft over if it ran into it.Tetrahedrons were iron metal shapes used at Omaha beach as obstacles. Don't know if they had a name.
There are 2 battles of El Alamein in WW2. Plus the battle of Alam Halfa on more or less the same ground. The important one is that Rommels Afrika Korps were no longer in a position to threatren the Suez canal & Cairo as a resuly of Montgomery's decisive victory which would culminate in the Axis being removed from North Africa. Sept to Nov 1942. The arrival of the Sherman tank & plentiful supplies of ammunition & fuel were crucial to the British victory. Similarly the germans were in a parlous state with regard to their supplies. It is the turning point in the war, coming as it did, just before Stalingrad in Russia.
They faced 'Rommels Asparagus' on the beaches and extremely heavy gunfire at Omaha.
Erwin Eugen Johannes Rommel.
The botanical name for asparagus is Asparagus officinalis.
The scientific name of an asparagus fern is Asparagus aethiopicus.
Asparagus is called "അസ്പരഗസ്" in Malayalam.
Asparagus is a vegetable, and the spears are shoots that arise from the base of the plant.
The word for asparagus in Hindi is ऐस्पैरागस (pronounced like asparagus).
Ingested asparagus means ate asparagus.
asparagus in Tamil is thaneervittan kilangu..
No, it is not. Asparagus can be good for you.
Asparagus officinalis