Donnerstag from Donner = thunder--same as Thor's day (Thor the god of thunder) or Thursday.
It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.
It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.It was a Thursday.
The word FROM in German is von
June 13th 1940 was a Thursday.
Happy Friday in German is glücklicher Freitag
"Today is Thursday". Hope that helped.
In modern German Donnerstag translates as Thursday. It translates literally as day of thunder.It is however derived from the word Donar, "the thunderer" (Donar's day), the Germanic god of thunder and storms. Donar was the Germanic equivalent of Thor.In English the day is named after Thor and in German after Donar.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AnswerThe same meaning like in English.Donar (Old German)Thor (Old Norse)Dunor (Old English) --> hear the similarity to 'thunder'It's always the god of thunder lightning, storms.Thursday = Thor's dayDonnerstag= Donar's Tag(Tag=day)
There's no such language as "Belgian". The three official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.
Other names for Holy Thursday are: Maundy Thursday Clean Thursday, Great Thursday, Green Thursday,Holy and Great Thursday, Red Thursday, Sharp Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Shrift Thursday, Thursday of the Mystical Supper.
Thursday is named Thursday because of Thor. In Danish (and probably Norwegian and Swedish, too) Thursday is torsdag. Thursday/torsdag is a tribute to Thor. Thor's Day --> Thursday.
Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.Thursday, February the 28th, 1985.
Because it was discoverd on a thursday
The proper noun for Thursday is the day's name itself - "Thursday."
No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.No. In 2008 it was Thursday and in 2013 it is a Wednesday.
Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.Thursday the 11th of February 2021.