The daily routine of a knight was overseeing many administrative functions and being served and dressed by servants.
Platoon drill. Guard duty. Cookhouse fatigues. Cleaning and oiling the weapons. Erecting and dismantling tents. Foraging for the horses. Church parade. A game of cards. Singing along with the band. Wondering if there was a bar open nearby.
* The SS conducted various experiments with gassing in 1939 (Poznan) and 1941 (Auschwitz). * Routine gassings started on 8 December 1941 at Chelmno using vans. * Routine gassings in fixed gas chambers began at Belzec in March 1942.
Women were expected to be the perfect housewife and bear many children for Hitler's 'Third Reich'. They were expected to devote their time to the rest of the family and even had a slogan for their daily routine- Kinder Kirche Kuche. This means children, church and kitchen. A little fact, medals were given to women if they had lots of children.
slice slice kill
how do blue jays glide
Baby blue jays are called chicks.
blue jays live all across Canada.
A group of blue jays is called a band or party
=Blue Jays==Blue Jays=
The blue jays mascot is Ace.
Toronto blue jays
A Blue Jays egg is a pale bluish green color
Blue jays live in Canada in nests that are built on trees.
blue jays mate before they nest.
Toronto Blue Jays was created in 1977.
Jackson Blue Jays was created in 1924.