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A culprit is someone who is guilty of a crime, or other misdeed.

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Q: What is a Guilty party called?
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What was the Nyilas Party during the Holocaust?

The Nyilas Party, also called the Arrow Cross Party, was the Hungarian Nazi Party and ruled Hungary from October 1944-January 1945.

Who were the Nazi and Military officials tried for crimes committed during World War 2?

Here's a few Hans Aumeier - Guilty, sentenced to death August Bogusch - Guilty, sentenced to death Therese Brandl - Guilty, sentenced to death Arthur Breitwiser - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment Alexander Bülow - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Fritz Buntrock - Guilty, sentenced to death Luise Danz - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment Erich Dinges - Guilty, sentenced to five years' imprisonment Wilhelm Gehring - Guilty, sentenced to death Paul Götze - Guilty, sentenced to death Maximilian Grabner - Guilty, sentenced to death Hans Hofmann - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Rudolf Höß - Guilty, sentenced to death Karl Jeschke - Guilty, sentenced to three years' imprisonment Heinrich Josten - Guilty, sentenced to death Oswald Kaduk - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment Hermann Kirschner - Guilty, sentenced to death Josef Kollmer - Guilty, sentenced to death Johann Kremer - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment Hildegard Lächert - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Arthur Liebehenschel - Guilty, sentenced to death Anton Lechner - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment Eduard Lorenz - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Herbert Ludwig - Guilty, sentenced to death Maria Mandel - Guilty, sentenced to death Adolf Medefind - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment Karl Möckel - Guilty, sentenced to death Kurt Mueller - Guilty, sentenced to death Erich Muehsfeldt - Guilty, sentenced to death Hans Münch - Acquitted Detlef Nebbe - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment Alice Orlowski - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Ludwig Plagge - Guilty, sentenced to death Franz Romeikat - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment Richard Schröder - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment Hans Schumacher - Guilty, sentenced to death Karl Seufert - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment Paul Szczurek - Guilty, sentenced to death Johannes Weber - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment

What was the ruling party of Germany during World War 2?

The National Socialist German Workers Party or NSDAP and commonly called the Nazi Party.

Was Louis Riel guilty of treason?

yes he was found guilty

The National socialist party was also known as what?

They are also called the Nazis.whoever wrote the above answer is a lad

Related questions

When did Guilty Party happen?

Guilty Party happened in 2010.

When was Guilty Party created?

Guilty Party was created on 2010-08-31.

What is a guilty party?

A guilty party is the person (or occasionally an animal) who actually committed the misdeed or the crime.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Guilty Party - 1993?

The cast of The Guilty Party - 1993 includes: Allan Gildea as Richard

What actors and actresses appeared in Disney Guilty Party - 2010?

The cast of Disney Guilty Party - 2010 includes: Tim Dadabo

Who is mr valentine on guilty party wii?

On 'Disney's Guilty Party', Mr. Valentine is really... Olivia Dickens! (The Commodore's wife)

What are the ratings and certificates for The Scales of Justice - 1962 The Guilty Party?

The Scales of Justice - 1962 The Guilty Party is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What are the release dates for Cyberchase - 2002 The Guilty Party 2-12?

Cyberchase - 2002 The Guilty Party 2-12 was released on: USA: 2003

What actors and actresses appeared in The Guilty Party - 1917?

The cast of The Guilty Party - 1917 includes: Audrey Berry Frank Brule Patsy De Forest

What if the other party admits fault but the accident report says you are at fault will the other party's insurance pay since the party admitted to fault?

GET IT IN WRITING!!! Having an oral admission of guilt from the guilty party when YOU are on the report as the guilty party doesn't mean a thing.

Who committed the crime on the blimp in guilty party?

the doctor

What are the release dates for The Colbys - 1985 Guilty Party 2-18?

The Colbys - 1985 Guilty Party 2-18 was released on: USA: 5 February 1987