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A billet is where a soldier is assigned to sleep, such as in barracks or garrisons. During World War 2, it originally meant a note issued by a billeting officer to a soldier, directing him to his living quarters.

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Billet is the living quarters where soldiers sleep

Billet officer is know as a director, commissioned personnel center, or CPC. They are called by the name of Commanding officer

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Asaf Billet was born on January 8, 1975, in Israel.

What is a billet and how do you explain its appeal to front-line fighters?

A billet is a temperary hiding place.

How do you use the word billet in a sentence?

(A billet can be a long bar of material, or a posting in the military. Originally it meant lodging for a soldier.)The rectangular aluminum billet weighed two hundred pounds.The Navy assigned the sailor to a billet in the personnel department.

How do you pronounce ticket in french?

billet bee-yay It is masculine, so it is un or le billet.

When did Battle of Crooked Billet happen?

Battle of Crooked Billet happened on 1778-05-01.

How do you calculate the area of billet?

OD square .x .2983 x OAL = area of a billet of steel

What has the author John Billet written?

John Billet has written: 'John Billett of ffoye being examyned'