I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know the statements that you were given as to the causes of the war.
On the 28th of July 1914, Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
There were many other factors, all the countries involved were forming alliances and having minor battles with eachother. The shooting of Franz Ferdinand wasn't the sole cause, but it was the final straw.
Europes system of military alliances.
All the large nations of Europe had military alliances that stated if a country was attacked other's would come to their aid.
World War I began in 1914 due to the fact that the politics between countries in Europe and Russia escalated, which created turmoil for the countries.
There was several factors that led to World War One. One of the major causes of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his spouse.
One cause is the end of World War I! (Hitler wanted more war?) ];-o
I do no
The treaty of Versailles <><><> The above treaty required Germany to bear the financial costs of World War ONE.
the Treaty of Versailles was one of the contributing factors of WWII. Hitler was furious about the treaty and wanted revenge.
NO one cause there was no world war 4
There was several factors that led to World War One. One of the major causes of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his spouse.
no the world war 1 did not cause the gulf war.
world war one :)
One cause of World War 1 was militarism. Additional causes include alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and past conflicts between the great European powers.
the flamer caused over 300 deaths in world war one
One cause is the end of World War I! (Hitler wanted more war?) ];-o
The assasination of Arch Duke Ferdinand.
The terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
The most direct cause of World War 1 was that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.
because no one wanted to die