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Word History: Totality of destruction has been central to the meaning of holocaust since it first appeared in Middle English in the 14th century, used in reference to the biblical sacrifice in which a male animal was wholly burnt on the altar in worship of God. Holocaust comes from Greek holokauston ("that which is completely burnt"), which was a translation of Hebrew 'lâ (literally "that which goes up," that is, in smoke). In this sense of "burnt sacrifice," holocaust is still used in some versions of The Bible. In the 17th century the meaning of holocaust broadened to "something totally consumed by fire," and the word eventually was applied to fires of extreme destructiveness. In the 20th century holocaust has taken on a variety of figurative meanings, summarizing the effects of war, rioting, storms, epidemic diseases, and even economic failures. Most of these usages arose after World War II, but it is unclear whether they permitted or resulted from the use of holocaust in reference to the mass murder of European Jews and others by the Nazis. This application of the word occurred as early as 1942, but the phrase the Holocaust did not become established until the late 1950s. Here it parallels and may have been influenced by another Hebrew word, ô'â("catastrophe," in English, Shoah). In the Bible ô'âhas a range of meanings including "personal ruin or devastation" and "a wasteland or desert." ô'â was first used to refer to the Nazi slaughter of Jews in 1939, but the phrase ha-ô'â("the catastrophe") became established only after World War II. Holocaust has also been used to translate urbn("destruction"), another Hebrew word used to summarize the genocide of Jews by the Nazis. (source wikipedia)

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Q: What is a holacost?
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