An M2 is a machine made back in WWII by John Browning Hence the name Browning Machine gun, John Browning was the gun maker which the united states still uses today such as the M1911 and the M2.
the german side of the conflict used mainly the Mp series of SMGS and mauser rifles, the british had the tommyguns and rifles, japan had ariska rifles, china had stolen rifles and guns from japan and guns given by the USA, USA had the greasegun, tommygun, M1 rifles and M2 machineguns
USthe Atomic bomb, B-24, B-29, P-51, M1 Garand, M2 .50 HMG, M1A1 Thompson SMG, Radar, NapalmGermanFlak 18 88mm cannon, MG 42 machine gun, MP 44 assault rifle, ME262 jetRussianT-34 tank, PPSh-41 SMG
The Allied forces used a wide range of weapons during the Battle of Normandy in World War II. This included rifles such as the M1 Garand and Lee-Enfield, submachine guns like the Thompson and Sten, machine guns like the Browning M1919, artillery such as the M2 105mm howitzer, tanks including the Sherman and Churchill, aircraft like the P-51 Mustang and Spitfire, and naval vessels including battleships and destroyers.
The atomic bomb was used during WW2.America:Thompson SMGBrowning automatic rifleM1 garandM1 & M1a1 CarbineM3 "grease gun" smgcolt 1911 .45 pistol.30 cal machine guns1903 Springfield, sniperGermany:mp38mp40mp44/stg44fg42mg42mg34k98kluger pistolWalther p38 pistilpanzerschrekpanzerfaustJapan:arisaka rifleSoviet Russia:Various Mosin nagant types, M44 etc, also in sniper formppshpps42there is a lot more but this is all i could think of off the top of my head.I'm just letting you know about there major weaponsAmericans:pistol-colt m1911 pistolsub-machine gun-m1928a1 Thompson and m1a1 Thompsonmachine gun-m2 browningrifle-m1 garandsniper-springfieldcarbine rifle- m1Germans:pistol-lugerrifle-98kmachine gun-mg42sub machine gun-mp40machine gun pistol-c96sniper-ptrs
The average rifleman carried two hundred rounds in the American army. This was twenty-five eight round clips for his M1, in five bandoliers. If heavy action was expected he might carry extra, along with a couple of fragmentation grenades. At night replenishment ammunition would be brought up to the line. Usually the ammo bearers brought a "unit of fire" which was an amount based on two hundred rounds per day, per man. BARs fired the same rounds but they used a twenty round, detachable box magazine. Carrying ten of these plus a BAR, which weighed nearly twenty pounds, was a load and most BAR men were picked for their large size. The M1 rifle and the BAR were the most common weapons in an infantry squad. The M1 carbine was also a .30 caliber weapon but fired a different, less powerful round than the .30-06 of the M1 rifle and the BAR. The carbine fired "thirty shorts" which also came in twenty or thirty round box magazines. Men in the lines did not favor the carbine because it lacked stopping power as compared to the M1, and also, because it marked them as potentially being an officer, and thus made them more of a target. The carbine had been intended to replace the officers sidearm. Most officers quickly got rid of it and got a rifle, and also quit wearing any insignia of rank. Saluting was heavily discouraged on the line. The officers did not want to stand out. The Thompson submachine gun saw some use, but it was a complex weapon, difficult and expensive to manufacture, and hard to maintain in the field. The army developed the M2 "grease gun" which was a .45 caliber weapon like the Thompson and took the same twenty round box magazines. The M2 cost the army less than $15 each. Both these submachine guns fired the same rounds as the standard sidearm, the Model 1911A automatic pistol. Pistols were coveted more for the mental security they gave, and they were of little practical use.
About 7.419615 m2
1 ha = 10.000 m2
40cm2 into m2
0.08216 m2
The GCF of m2, m3, and m4 is m2.
4 per square metre.
1500 m2 = 16145.9 ft21 m2 = 10.76 ft2
About 167.2 m2
1 hectare = 10000 m2
M2 means second degree misdemeanor.