Buck and Gag (Bucking)</<B> was a form of corporal punishment used during the American Civil War which had the offending soldier placed on the ground with his hands and feet bound. His knees were drawn up between his arms and a rod was inserted under his knees and over his arms. It was used for a variety of offenses.
Put Something Down there throat
samuel s buck worthy
Dick Winters, Babe Heffron, Bill Gaurnere, Buck Compton just to name a few of the "famous" men in the battle of bastogne. They were part of the 506th PIR, 101st Airborne, US Army.
The buck stopped with Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, whose WWII titles included the dual command of Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet for U.S. naval forces and Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas for U.S. and Allied air, land, and sea forces.
Get ahold of the book "Biggest Brother"...It is a bio on Major Dick Winters. I think you can piece together who is still alive from it. I would look in my own copy but I just lent it to a friend. I know Winters, Malarky, and Guarnere are still with us. Frank Perconte and Buck Compton are also still around. However, recently Shifty Powers sadly past away.
buck and gag, on the spare wheel, carrying a log,on the wooden horse, tied by the thumbs
It stands for "Gag Box"
The term gag factor refers to the gag reflexes. For example, a baby has very sensitive gag reflexes so even small amounts of food may cause the baby to gag.
Sharks have no gag reflex.
probably Over The Nose gag..
You die
It is poo
First a tight cleave gag, two a handkerchief in front of the first gag, three some tape and four an over the mouth gag. Nice and quiet.
There are some dangers when using a ball gag. Ball gags can be pretty rough on the jaw. Two major concerns when purchasing a ball gag are the material of the ball gag and the size of the ball gag.
mouth stuffing and cleave gag