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There are several questions about the civil war. The main questions which historians have about the war however, is if it was inevitable.

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Q: What is historians key question about the civil war?
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Among historians the key question about the Civil War was?

the war was inevitable or who started the war or could the south have won or why did the war last so long or what were the motives of the of those :P

What is another term for the US Civil War?

With regards to the US Civil War, many historians prefer to use the term of The War Between the States. For some historians, what is generally called the US Civil War, is not an accurate use of the term "civil war".

For what profession in the US was the civil war a turning point?

For battle-centered historians, Gettysburg rules; for strategy-centered historians, Vicksburg was the key.

What do many historians cite as the third front of the US Civil War?

A number of US Civil War historians cite the Gulf coast of the Confederacy as the third front in the war. By this this is meant a military front. The Union blockades and its seizure of Confederate territory in and around key Gulf ports, created an often underrated war zone. By the term "third" it completes the eastern & western fronts of the war.Often times a question on the complexity of the Civil War causes misunderstandings due to the unique nature of this dramatic event in the history of the United States.

What power did the civil war question?

The Civil War raised the question of states' rights. The power of the federal government to make laws affecting the states and territories, and the power of the federal government to force states to remain in the union, were key ideas.

What does North mean in Civil War?

better question is which civil war.

What do US Civil War military historians believe was the proper ratio of artillery to infantry?

Most US Civil War historians believe that artillery often played a crucial role in US Civil War battles. They estimate that approximately 3 to 4 cannons per thousand of infantry was a proper and effective ratio.

Which side did the michiganians support during the civil war?

According to Historians, the state of Michigan and its citizens supported the Union side during the course of the Civil War.

What was the turning point of the american civil war?

Most historians and scholars believe the turning point of the American Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg fought in July 1863.

True false Historians agree that it is superficial to attribute the causes of the Civil War to slavery?

True. Slavery had very little or nothing to do with the reasons for the American civil war.

When was the end of the roman Civil War?

You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.You question cannot be answered unless you state which civil war you mean. Rome had several.

What was the period before the civil war called?

Since the war, historians have called this period Antebellum