It is actually the founding of Jamestown, the 1st permanent English settlement
Slavery lasted from 1607 to 1865.
Richmond was settled in 1607, but wasn't named until 1737.
If you are asking about the American civil war the dates you have above are wrong by 200 years. The first colony was Jamestown in 1607 and Plymouth was in 1620 so there was no civil war in 1642. The American civil war began April 12, 1861.
wow really...the entire must have dr. marko for us luck on ur final today :)
Its an important date because in 1607 jamestown in virginia was founded. it was the first permanent english settlement in north america. This begins the american frontier
If you mean the year, John Harvard was born and if you want more here is the link to Wikipedia:
bob didnt care
It was the first permanent English settlement.
It is actually the founding of Jamestown, the 1st permanent English settlement
It is actually the founding of Jamestown, the 1st permanent English settlement
The important cities/colonies during that time were Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown.
They founded it on May 14, 1607.
Virginia it was founded in 1607
Jamestown was established on May 24, 1607.
The men set sail in 1606, but they arrived in 1607, making this year the 406th anniversary.