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This is a push factor in migration.

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Q: What is it called when a person leaves their home country due to civil war and persecution?
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What do you call a person who has to flee their country from danger?

They are usually called refugees. If the danger is war, they are war refugees. If the danger is because they oppose the ruler(s) they are political refugees.

What is the person who leaves his or her own country to live in another country called?


A person leaving a country to go live permanently in another country is called?

A person who leaves a country to go live permanently in another is called an emmigrant,

What is a person called who leaves his or her own country or region to settle in another?

A person who leaves their own country or region to settle in another is called an expatriate or an immigrant, depending on the reason for their move and their legal status in the new country.

What is a person who leaves his own country and settles aboard called?

A foreigner

What is a person called that leaves one country to live in another?


What do you call a person who leaves his or her country to settle abroad?

An emigrant is a person who leaves their country to settle in another country.

Is The mistreatment of a person because of his or her religious beliefs is called persecution?

During the 1600's to the 1620's the mistreatment of a person because of his or her religious beliefs is called persecution. it is true.

What do you call a person that leaves his own country and settles abroad?

An expatriate or expat is a person who leaves their own country to live and settle in another country.

What is a person who leaves his or her country to live in another country?


What is a person who collects leaves called?

leaves collector

When a person leaves a country it is known as?
