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The object of total war was twofold: to prevent the armies in the field from receiving supplies and to convince the civilian politicians that the war could not be won. In Sherman's phrase, "To make the rebels so sick of war that they will not resort to it for generations." The union forces did so by invading the south, and destroying rail lines, manufacturing capacity, and agricultural capability. The confederate forces were then ill fed, ill clothed, and ill equipped, and anxious about events occurring back home. This led to widespread desertion, and, eventually, Lee's surrender.

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I don't know :( thats im asking yall

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Q: What is meant by total war what did the union army do during their campaign of total war?
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What did the union do during their campaign of total war?

I don't know :( thats im asking yall

What did the union army do during the campaign total war?

I don't know :( thats im asking yall

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