During World War 2, many men who were normally working factory jobs were soldiers in the war, and factory jobs were necessary for the production of the weaponry and such needed for the war. Because of this, a campaign was led for women to take up those jobs, and so they were paid the wages those jobs were normally paid.
women won the right to vote
WAAC's (army) WAVES (navy)
With the men away fighting, the women took over many of the jobs traditionally done by men.
One of the nicknames for Women During WWII was "WAC"s, reffering to the Name "Womens Army Corp"
To do what ever was necessary to keep the ball rolling They proved during the war that they were every bit as good as men in industry and organisation. They took over every thing that was traditionally done by men because they had too, to keep things at home working.
Almost nonexistent.
womens baseball
The initial reason and main reason was for health benefits, so that lice would not propagate there,as of course there was little access to washing facilities. Bit soon it was realised that the hair could be used to create felt.
Not pretty. lol
Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul and the NWSA (National Womens Suffrerage Association)
during a womens period
bigger and longer barrel
A Hatter is someone who makes and sells hats (mens and womens) and a Milliner is someone who makes and sell womens hats