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lee had few troops were barefoot and starving and putting end of these bloody war

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Despite orders from President Davis to continue the war, Lee could see that it was lost and chose to end it rather than to drag it out any longer.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Appomattox Court House.

It was the end of the Siege of Petersburg.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

His Army was surrounded and had no way of escape and his men were starving.

Furthermore he decided to surrender also to avoid a further, pointless bloodshed.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because it was the end of the road.

His lines were too thin to hold. The men were barefoot and starving. And with its smaller population, the South had finally run out of new recruits.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because if he didn't, then his Army would be attacked

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

It was the proper thing to do. Lee was surrendering and he was a General too. Even though he was a traitor to the government he did surrender. Respect was earned.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

They couldn't have marched another pace.

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Q: What is one reason general lee surrendered?
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Who was Rob E Lee?

He was a general in the Civil war. * Robert Evans Lee was the son of General "Lighthorse" Harry Lee * Robert E. Lee graduated 2nd in his class (and 1st in artillery and tactics) from West Point in 1829 * Robert E. Lee was an engineering officer in the Mexican War along with other US officers who later became US or CS generals. * Colonel Robert E. Lee commanded the US Marines from Washington DC who recaptured Harper's Ferry from John Brown. * Winfield Scott wanted Lee as a general of the North, and Lee would have done it if his home state of Virginia had not gone with the South. * Lee was somewhat unknown in the Civil War until his victory at Second Manassass (known as Second Bull Run in the North). * Lee made the calls at Gettysburg, one of the two decisive battles, and he lost. * Lee surrendered the South to General Grant. All other Confederate armies had been destroyed except for Lee's, and he surrendered to avoid more killing.

Who was given honor of commanding the troops that formally accepted the surrender of the confederate army?

General Chamberlain was the one who FORMALLY accepted the surrender; however, Lee, in standard history books that don't go very in-depth, actually surrendered to General Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse in 1865.

What was one reason Germany surrendered in 1918?

Many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight.

What was one reason that Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown and the patriots won the war?

The patriots received critical help from French soldiers and sailors.

What role did Appomatax have in the civil War?

Its where General Robert E Lee surrendered the South Confederate Army[CSA] to Ulysses S Grant the North Union Army[USA] in April 9, 1865 ending one of the worst wars, where over 600 000 people died.

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Was Geogre c. meade ever a commanding general of the north?

Good question. He was General commanding the Army of the Potomac, the biggest Union force, and the one that was charged with destroying Lee's army - which it did. At Appomattox, many people felt that Lee should have surrendered to Meade for that reason. But Lee was also General-in-Chief of the Confederacy, and it was thought proper that he should surrender to his opposite number as General-in-Chief, U.S. Grant.

Who as a famous Union general who took part in the Appomattox court house?

[union]Ulysses S. Grant [confederate]Robert E. Lee

Who surrendered at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Nobody surrendered. By chance, McClellan learned that Lee's divisions were widely separated, and he had a chance to destroy them, one by one. Also by chance, there was a Confederate spy in the Union camp, who alerted Lee, and the latter concentrated his forces at Antietam Creek. The ensuing battle was won by the Union army, but Lee managed to get his men back to Virginia.

Did general george meade defeat Robert E. Lee?

Good question. Only a few days after being appointed Army Commander, Meade defeated Lee at the Battle of Gettysburg, though he was criticised by Lincoln for not pursuing Lee's army while it was in a vulnerable state. As for the final surrender at Appomattox, some people feel that Lee should have surrendered to Meade, as one army commander to another. But Lee had also become General-in-Chief of all the Confederate armies, and so he surrendered to Grant, who was his opposite number in the top job (although for some reason, Lee did not surrender all of these armies, only the one he directly commanded in the field.) In the Overland campaign, Grant had been travelling alongside Meade's army in a mobile headquarters, somewhat to the embarassment of Meade.

Who was Rob E Lee?

He was a general in the Civil war. * Robert Evans Lee was the son of General "Lighthorse" Harry Lee * Robert E. Lee graduated 2nd in his class (and 1st in artillery and tactics) from West Point in 1829 * Robert E. Lee was an engineering officer in the Mexican War along with other US officers who later became US or CS generals. * Colonel Robert E. Lee commanded the US Marines from Washington DC who recaptured Harper's Ferry from John Brown. * Winfield Scott wanted Lee as a general of the North, and Lee would have done it if his home state of Virginia had not gone with the South. * Lee was somewhat unknown in the Civil War until his victory at Second Manassass (known as Second Bull Run in the North). * Lee made the calls at Gettysburg, one of the two decisive battles, and he lost. * Lee surrendered the South to General Grant. All other Confederate armies had been destroyed except for Lee's, and he surrendered to avoid more killing.

Who commanded the troops that formally accepted the surrender of the confederate army?

General Robert E. Lee officially surrendered to future President, General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.

Who was given honor of commanding the troops that formally accepted the surrender of the confederate army?

General Chamberlain was the one who FORMALLY accepted the surrender; however, Lee, in standard history books that don't go very in-depth, actually surrendered to General Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse in 1865.

What was one reason Germany surrendered in 1918?

Many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight.

What was the place General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Grant at?

Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. The exact place was in the parlor in the home of one Wilmer McLean. McLean had moved his family away from their home near Manassas shortly after the First Battle of Bull Run. A move to get away from the fighting that would ultimately put him in the path of it once again.

Why did Americans in the south shoot or hang loyalist and british who surrendered?

they was betrayed by one of there best general

Who were the commanding generals of the confederacy before Lee?

One of General Lee's predecessors was General Pierre Gustav Toutant Beauregard.

Was George Meade commander of Union Armies at any point in time?

He was not General-in-Chief - that was Ulysses Grant. Meade had the distinction of defeating Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg, and then commanding the Army of the Potomac for the rest of the war. During that long interval, he was closely shadowed by Grant, who travelled alongside Meade's army in a mobile HQ. At Appomattox, Lee surrendered to Grant - as one General-in-Chief surrendering to another. Some said that he should have surrendered to Meade, as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia surrendering to the commander of the Army of the Potomac.