Prejudice against Jews is called antisemitism, whether there is a war on or not.
What do you mean by Jewish traitors? Are you thinking of the Jewish Councils (Judenräte) in the ghettos and elsewhere?
This term refers to someone who is of Romani (sometimes called Gypsy) origin. The Rom people are believed to have originally come from Northern India. Leaving India they migrated through the Middle East and settled primarily in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as in lands along the way. Roma people are found in many parts of the world today. They have faced and continue to experience enormous discrimination and prejudice.
The physical elimination of the Jewish people
Himmler and Goering.
You could call it dejudification or Aryanisation.
It is known as antisemitism. An individual who is prejudiced against the Jew is called antisemitic.
Discrimination based on age is called ageism. This can involve stereotypes, bias, or prejudice against individuals or groups based on their age, either younger or older.
hurthjhcs is called Human Ultra Rough True Hate Join Hons Christman Survice
Oppression based on gender is called sexism. This can manifest as gender discrimination, inequality, or prejudice against individuals based on their gender identity or expression.
No. Gay people are not a race. Prejudice against gay people is called homophobia.
Prejudice, discrimination, judging?
The untouchables (or Dalit) are the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system. While discrimination based on caste has been prohibited and untouchability abolished under the Constitution of India, discrimination and prejudice against Dalits in South Asia remains.
Racism.This would be an example of ethnophaulism. Ethnophaulism is verbal slang against a group. For example calling a black person nappy headed, a white a cracker or someone from China a chink. Sorry for the examples being offensive but it is needed to help define.
The Chinese. (or are they called Sino-Americans)
Discrimination is discrimination in any form.