His wife's name is Yasuko Miyamoto, and his son's name is Kenshi Miyamoto and his daughter's name is unknown.
Hitler's wife was Eva Braun, but he did not have any children.
yes Arlie O. Petters has a wife and no kids just yet but he wants alot of kids
No He did not have any.
His wife was named Mary
Kignoshwini Yamauchis
yes he did he had a wife and kids
Creator Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that her name was inspired by Zelda Fitzgerald, the wife of American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald.
In the TV show "My Wife and Kids," the character Claire's real name is Jennifer Freeman.
Parker McKenna Posey played Kady Kyle in My Wife and Kids.
YES HE DID and her name was Mary Gaudelet AND THEY HAD 5 KIDS
There last name is Kyle.
His wife's name is Caroline, And his son's name is Bo.
Editing Rasta
noah grey-cabey
till me what is there freaking names