Well, the history books tell us that WW I was started after the Emperor of Austro-Hungarian empire was assassinated, which developed into a full-scale conflict in Europe. But if you read the book, Tragedy and Hope, by Carol Quigley, you will learn that there is a secret cabal that orchestrated, not just the 1st world war, but also the second one, and they also have plans for World War 3. see hhtp://LightOverDarkness.blogsome.com
by sounding dumb!
by sounding dumb!
I can think of 5 causes: how severely the Germans were punsished at the end of WWI (the treaty of Versailles), appeasement by the British & others, the great depression, extreme nationalism/militarism & lack of resources by the Japanese
Briefly explain why you feel you are the ideal candidate for this position.
European countries entered into military alliances that required them to protect one another from attacks
A number of factors contributed to the start of WW2. - Hitler's rise to power, - Polictical, economic and other causes led to the war.
my dick
It was briefly sung by Zazu in The Lion King