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The 54th Massachusetts Regiment was an all-black infantry regiment organized in Massachusetts and lead by Col. Shaw and other white officers. It was one of the first black regiments organized by free black men of the North.

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Justine Wiegand

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โˆ™ 3y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

The 54th Massachusetts Regiment was an all-black infantry regiment organized in Massachusetts and lead by Col. Shaw and other white officers. It was one of the first black regiments organized by free black men of the North.

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Q: What is the Massachusetts 54Th?
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Where is the 54th black regiment located?

The 54th Massachusetts was formed by recruiting free black men from Massachusetts.

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Did the 54th Massachusetts fight bravely at bull run?

No. The 54th Massachusetts was not yet in existence when the Bull Run battles were fought.

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Massachusetts Volunteers came from the state of Massachusetts.

Who were the significant people of the 54th Massachusetts infantry?

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What was 54th massachussets?

The 54th Massachusetts was the first african american regiment brought into Federal service.

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Who was the leader of 54th Massachusetts?

Robert Gould Shaw

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