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i got the exact same question for an assignment that I'm doing right know

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Q: What is the advantage of a sintered bronze bush over a conventional bronze bush and indicate its use in a typical engineering application?
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Anything else to supprt your application?

The application is PART of the hiring process. A neat, professional application will indicate a neat professional candidate. A well organized application will indicate a well organized prospective employee; a "hand written (printed)" application will indicate that the potential employee has writing skills.

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The North had a 81% Advantage in bank deposits to indicate for the North over the South who had only 19%.

WHAT IS THE Conventional symbol for Cart Track?

The conventional symbol for a cart track is typically represented as two parallel lines with evenly spaced horizontal lines crossing them to indicate the railings of the track.

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4, unless the three trailing 0s are for conventional purposes - such as to indicate that the number refers to a monetary amount.

Should you enter the years you attended college?

It depends on how the information is asked and for what purpose. If it is for a resume, then yes you include the years. For example, University of Michigan, bachelor of science in mechanical engineering 2003 - 2008. If it is on an application and the question is, what was the highest educational level attained, then you would not have to indicate the years attended.

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The answer is D, Attachment

What ia a sentence for ethnicity?

Prospective applicants are usually asked to indicate their ethnicity on their application form.

Could you please show me a sample of leave application?

A leave application needs to show the reason why someone wants to take a leave. When writing one, a person should indicate the desired period for the leave and indicate the person who will carry out some of the tasks he usually performs.

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Most precipitation in the tropics appears to be convective; however, it has been suggested that stratiform precipitation thunderstorms.Graupel and hail indicate convection.

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Thank them for their time and consideration of your application, and indicate that you would look forward to hearing from them.

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Green usually means an addition compared to red which usually means a deletion.

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To write your mother's death anniversary leave application, you need to be formal. Indicate how long you will be away and when you plan to resume work.