The Lusitania was hit by only one torpedo. The ship had been carrying tons of live cargo, so the torpedo hit caused a huge explosion. Minutes later, a second explosion occurred, however, it was NOT from a second torpedo. Researchers think the first explosion triggered the second.
A German U-boat used one of it's two torpedoes to sink the ship.
how are torpedoes used present day?
Lusitania was the Roman name for Portugal.
Germany claimed the Lusitania had weapons on board.
Robert Fulton invented the first naval torpedoes in 1797.
The submarine fired its torpedoes at the shark and they hit it in an instant.
A German U-boat used one of it's two torpedoes to sink the ship.
The Lusitania wasn't hit by a boat. It was hit by a torpedo.
Yes, Frederick Fleet the lookout saw the iceberg before the collision but with less than forty seconds, it was too late. The berg was not visible to anybody in the deckhouse, including the sailor who had his hand on the wheel at the time.
Lusitania or commonly known as RMS Lusitania is the biggest ship of its time and was sunk by submarine torpedoes from German underwater boats. This event became one of the major reasons why the America participated in the World War I.
The plural of torpedo is torpedoes.Some example sentences are:Two torpedoes hit the ship.Fire all the torpedoes now!
You hit X them the fire button.
The plural form for the noun torpedo is torpedoes.
The USS Indianapolis sank after being hit by torpedoes launched from a Japanese mini-submarine.
The plural form of the noun torpedo is torpedoes.The plural possessive form is torpedoes'.Example: We tested several torpedoes but the torpedoes' accuracy was not to standard.
The USS Oklahoma (BB 37).
how are torpedoes used present day?