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Ruger is the name of a gun manufacturer in the USA. The German pistol carried by officers and non-commissioned officers was the Luger or the Model P 08. It fired a 9mm Parabellum cartridge, which is equivalent to 0.38 inch (or caliber). Officers also carried the Walther P-38 which also fired the 9mm Parabellum cartride. Another favorite pistol for police was the Walther PP (Police Pistol), which came in calibers of .22, .32 and .38. The latter caliber is also known as the .380 Auto. It is the same gun used in almost all of the James Bond movies and also by Tom Cruise in the latest movie, "Valkyrie".

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Q: What is the caliber of ruger pistol that German officers carried with them in World War 2?
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Who makes the ruger pistol that German officers carried in World War 2?

You're thinking of the Luger P08 (Pistole-Parabellum 1908, named after its creator, Herr Georg L. Luger) manufactured by Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (DWM) during the early 1900's. The most typical sidearm of German officers until the introduction of the Walther P38 in the late 30's. The end of the war caused its final manufacturer, Waffenfabrik Bern, to cease production in 1945."Ruger" is, on the other hand, a current American firearms company started in 1949 Connecticut and is also named after one of its creators.

Why did the American soldiers like the luger?

The German Luger piston is a nice pistol with a good feel that makes it easy to point and shoot. It was a well-known weapon and had been the side arm for the German army since 1917. The American soldier wanted a to get a Luger as a souvenir. He could not use it in combat. The Army frowned upon using enemy weapons. Also, they could not obtain ammunition for the gun.My Father brought back a captured German Luger and the smaller Walther PP, which was used by many military police and high-ranking officers. The German Helmet and the Luger pistol and maybe the Iron Cross medal were the most popular souvenir items that the American soldier sought after.

What was the most common German pistol World War 2?

The Luger P08 (Pistole-Parabellum 1908) was the standard German sidearm up until the introduction of the Walther P38 in 1938. The Luger was the more common to be issued to officers up until its final manufacturer ceased production in 1945.

What gun did Adolf Hitler use to commit suicide?

Hitler killed himself with a walther ppk 7.65mm pistolKarl Walther gave Hitler a 7.65mm Walther PP. Police pistol for his 50th birthday. This is the gun he used to kill himself. It a bit longer than the James Bond style Walther PPK. Police Pistol Kurz, "Kurz" that means short.

What was the US pistol used during world war 1?

The pistol was the side arm weapon for a variety of personnel during World War One. When war began there were three types of pistol in general use. there were revolvers, clip-loaded automatics and the so-called 'blow-back' models. The most famous wartime pistol was the German Luger. Not so far behind is the British Webley. The United States had 3 pistol models. The Colt 45, Colt revolver and a Smith and Wesson revolver.

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