The comprimise of 1850 is when Mr. Henry Clay comes back into action from our whole counrty falling apart. It was an intricate package of five bills, passed on September 4, 1850, defusing a four-year confrontation between the Slave_stateof the Southern_United_Statesand the Free_state_(USA) of the North that arose from expectation of Territorial_expansion_of_the_United_Stateswith the Texas_Annexation(December 29, 1845) and the following Mexican-American_War(1846--1848). It avoided secession or American_Civil_Warat the time and quieted sectional conflict for four years until the divisive Kansas–Nebraska_Act.The Compromise was greeted with relief though each side disliked specific provisions. Texas gave up its claim to New_Mexicobut received debt relief, El_Paso, and the Texas_Panhandle. The South did not get their keenly desired Pacific territory in Southern_Californiaor extension of the Missouri_Compromiseline allowing slavery anywhere south of Parallel_36°30'_north. As compensation, the South got the possibility of slave states via Popular_sovereigntyin the new New_Mexico_Territoryand Utah_Territory, which however were unsuited to plantation agriculture and populated by non-Southerners; a stronger Fugitive_Slave_Law_of_1850, which in practice outraged Northern public opinion; and preservation of slavery in the national capital, though the slave trade was banned there except in the Virginia portion of the District_of_Columbiawhich rejoined Virginia.The Compromise became possible after the sudden death of President Zachary_Taylorwho although a slaveowner himself tried to implement the Northern policy of excluding slavery from the Southwest. Whig_Party_(United_States) United_States_SenateHenry_Clay(Kentucky) designed a compromise which failed to pass in early 1850; in the next session of Congress, Democratic_Party_(United_States) Senator Stephen_Douglas(Illinois) and Whig Senator Daniel_Webster(Massachusetts) narrowly passed a slightly modified package over opposition by extremists on both sides including Senator and former Vice-President John_C._Calhounof South_Carolina.
It favored both the interests of the North and the South.
Henry Clay proposed the comprimise of 1850
they said let my people go they said let my people go
The slave states had a control of Congress in 1850.
the kansas nebraska act, of the compromise of 1850
John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster and Henry Clay organized the comprimise.
Stephen Douglas
1850 Comprimise
Henry Clay proposed the comprimise of 1850
If I am correct, and I believe I am, the Compromise of 1850 ended the practice of slave auctions inside the borders of Washington DC.
Taylor achieved most of his fame for his success as a Mexican War general.
comprimise of 1850 Arkansas - slave Michigan - free Florida - slave Texas - slave Iowa - free Wisconsin - free
the Missouri comprimise was written by Henry clay
it was when the states were split up and told whether or not slaveery was allowed. thank you,Maria Wilson
Virginia comprimise
Connecticut comprimise
It isn't right to generalize, because the North's populace did not all hate slavery, and the South's did not all support it. In your generalized terms, both the North and the South wished for the new states out west to have slavery laws in accordance with their positions. This almost led to war, but several compromises were made: The Missouri Comprimise, the Comprimise of 1850, and other deals, such as the Three Fifths Comprimise. However, these only delayed war, and events such as Bleeding Kansas were instrumental in starting the Civil War