It basically means the cursive words on, for example, the chalkboard. 'Entangling' means to 'to twist together' or 'confusing' while alliances means 'having unity', because the cursive letters are all connected, right? And it sometimes is confusing to understand.
Associations that had been made for mutual benefit that resulted in countries being forced to go to war even if there was no good reason to
Not entirely. Though the assassination of the Arch Duke was a short term cause of the war, many long term causes included economic downturn, rivalries, and entangling alliances would have brought the countries to war regardless of the "sparks" that set off the conflict.
There were tons of alliances made that caused ww1. Alliances made countries stronger.
According to the definition of alliance is a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes. According to the definition of alliance is a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.
Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.Thomas Jefferson
In his inaugural address in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson called for "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
T system of entangling alliances before WWI
Washington warned against entering into 'entangling alliances' with European countries and to stay out of European conflicts.
Washington warned against entering into 'entangling alliances' with European countries and to stay out of European conflicts.
Washington's Farewell Address
He warned against involving the country in European affairs and 'entangling alliances'
World War 1.
Associations that had been made for mutual benefit that resulted in countries being forced to go to war even if there was no good reason to
true, its called isolationism.A policy that tries to avoid foreign alliances and involvement is called isolationism. This policy was the rule of the day in the United States following the horrors of World War I.
America should avoid entangling alliances in order to stay away from European politics.
The first one was caused by entangling alliances. It started from a war between austria and serbia and grew because of them. The second one was caused by German aggresion. The last straw was their invasion of Poland.