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A civil war is when 2 factions fight to control the same government. The south wanted their own government so the American 'Civil War' was not a civil war. It was and is the south's view that the north invaded the south, starting a war of aggression.

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Q: What is the difference in a civil war and a war of aggression?
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What was the US war between the north and the south?

The American Civil War 1861-1865 (The War of Northern Aggression as the southerners claim) )

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The War between the States. The War between Brothers. The War of Northern Aggression.

What war was fought between the north and south in the 1800s?

The Civil War. The War between the States. The War between Brothers. The War of Northern aggression.

What are terms commonly used to refer to the Civil War?

The American Civil War, The War of Northern Aggression, Mr. Lincoln's War, the War Between the States. In the south, many referred to the Civil War as "The War of Secession". They wanted to secede from the Union, to be independent from the United States. To the south it was not a civil war.

The American war fought between the Union and the Confederacy is known as the?

The war between the Union and the Confederacy is generally known as the US Civil War, sometimes as the War Between the States. In the South, it is sometimes referred to as the War of Northern Aggression or the War of Yankee Aggression.

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I don't know the answer to your question, but down here, we call it "The War of Northern Aggression" or "The War for States Rights" There was nothing "Civil" about it.

What reason do the Confederates give for the reason for the Civil war?

Northern aggression - attacking the Confederate States of America.

What was anouther name for the Civil War?

The War between the States. The War between the Brothers. In places in the South, it's referred to as "The War of Northern Aggression", sometimes jokingly (and sometimes not).

What was the name of the USwar between the south and the north?

The Civil War (1861-1865) The Civil War was fought between the Union (north) and the Confederacy (south). The war was fought mainly about the issue of slavery. The Union eventually won and that is what makes us the United States of America today.