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A diktat generally means "to dictate" For example, in World War I, the Victorious Powers were seen to completely dictate what happened to Germany. E.g. The colonial people had no say as to what happened to the colonies. This was a diktat - unfair and completely dictated by. So Cameroons went to France and Tanghanyika went to GB

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Q: What is the diktat?
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What does diktat means in ww1?

It means a harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party or country if in ww2.

Why were the southern states put into military districts by congress?

Because they refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1866. That led the Congress to pass a Reconstruction Act imposing its desired version of the reconstruction on the former Confederate States by means of a diktat, which contemplated inter alia that they had to be grouped into five military districts, each ruled by a military governor.

Did southern states have to rejoin the Union?

Yes, they lost the war and were conquered militarily so they could not leave the Union. Therefore they had to rejoin. But before they could regain the full powers of a member state in the union, congress required that the ratify the 14th Amendment to the constitution, guarantee the vote to black males, and prevent former high Confederate officials from serving in state government.

Do you think Presidents Lincoln and Johnson were wise in seeking harsh treatments of the southern states?

President Lincoln and Johnson were actually known for having the more lenient plan. Many of the Confederates were pardoned and none really suffered much consequences.It was the Congress' plan that was harsher in the treatment of the Confederate states.

Why did the federal government send troops to the south during reconstruction?

The Union army was stationed in the five Southern districts to ensure that they honored the requirements of Reconstruction. These requirements included ratifying the Fourteenth Amendment and giving voting rights without racial restrictions.

Related questions

What did 'Diktat' mean in the settling of World War 1 - The Treaty of Versailles?

diktat means order (you have to do it)

what dose diktat means in world war one?

diktat in a negative way to refer to the Treaty of Versailles, the document ending World War I. Today diktat can be used as a critical term for even minor regulations felt to be unfair or authoritarian.

Why was the Treaty of Versailles a diktat?

diktat stands for deutshe ist keine twate aud tillete

Why did the germans call the treaty a diktat?

Dictated peace.

What did the Germans call the Versailles Treaty?

They called it the Diktat

What does Ditkat mean?

I think you mean "Diktat" not Ditkat if so Diktat is a noun and means: # A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party. # An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.

What nickname did German people give to the treaty of Versailles?


What does diktat means in ww1?

It means a harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party or country if in ww2.

What are 6 letter words ending in at?

Afloat, bobcat, caveat, combat, cowpat, cravat, defeat, diktat, format, lariat, loquat, nonfat, nougat, reheat, repeat, reseat, threat, throat, tomcat, unseat, upbeat and wombat are 6 letter words. They end with the letters at.

Did president Johnson oppose the 14th amendment?

President Andrew Johnson firmly opposed to the Fourteenth Amendment and recommended the former Confederate States not to ratify the same if it were to become a law. This opposition outraged the Congress, which in March 1867 passed the Reconstruction Act that imposed its will on the South by diktat.

Why were the southern states put into military districts by congress?

Because they refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1866. That led the Congress to pass a Reconstruction Act imposing its desired version of the reconstruction on the former Confederate States by means of a diktat, which contemplated inter alia that they had to be grouped into five military districts, each ruled by a military governor.

Versailles who would not accept the treaty of Versailles?

The German people would not accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles as they said that it was a 'Diktat' which means 'Dictatorship' they said this as they were not allowed to have any say in the terms of the treaty. Another reason why the Germans did not accept the treaty was because they did'NT accept the terms of it ie, the military restrictions, the territory loses and the war guilt clause.