The f bomb is the f-word.
hydrogen bomb, or a nuclear bomb
The A-Bomb and Atom Bomb, those are cool to say.
Hiroshima bomb: uranium Nagasaki bomb: plutonium
Which bomb?? If you mean the code name given to the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, it was called "little boy".
a bomb with high amount of gun powder.
F bomb is the polite way of saying "fuc.k"
No, you should not
a f***in long dreve
The cast of The F Bomb - 2011 includes: Bill McHugh as Harold Kate Weiman as Jane
The F Bomb Camaro was built as a project car for Car Craft magazine. It was also used in the last Fast & Furious movie
Less people would say the f word
f$%^ you a^&h(*&
It means you've used the f*** word in a situation where the listeners are shocked.
Yea with nuclear bomb!!
The f-bomb, probably.
When you are at a bomb plant site and you have the bomb, Press the key which you have assigned for the "USE" function. By default it is "F" key, however you can change it in your controls.