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nazism is defined as a form of socalism featuring racialism & expansionism & obedience to a strong leader.

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Q: What is the importance of Nazism?
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What was the importance of the nazi propaganda in the1930-1940 in nazi Germany?

To make more German citizens believe in Nazism

How do you use Nazism in a sentence?

Nazism was essentially just a form of fascism

How many civilians were victims of Nazism?

about 65 million who exposed to the full nazism

When was World Without Nazism created?

World Without Nazism was created in 2010.

When was The Occult Roots of Nazism created?

The Occult Roots of Nazism was created in 1985.

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There was some opposition to Nazism in the beginning but it was mercilessly put down.

What was the impact of Nazism on World War 2?

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Nazism was the German form of of?

Nazism, or the Fourth Reich, was lead by Adolf Hitler. Early germanic cultures evolved nazism from neorealist perspectives fused with post-gregorian and historical materialism. In other words, Nazism was the German form of Neo-post-materialism.

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What is Nazism?

Actually, Nazi is just an acronym for the National Socialist Party, as it is in German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The term had no negative connotations in Germany, or indeed in the rest of the world, until the time of the Second World War. Nazism is the name given to the political ideology and subsequent regime of Adolf Hitler, which ruled in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Although Nazism is often called "fascism", it does differ from generic fascism, as the term is used today, and also from Fascism, which is the name given to Mussolini's regime in Italy around the same time. Nazism's main points of emphasis were the racial superiority of the "Aryan" people, the annihilation of the Jews, seen as racially inferior, the aggressive foreign policy, especially in relation to East European countries, seen as genetically inferior and the importance of the "Fuehrer" (i.e. Hitler) as the head of state.

Where did nazism originated from?

Ignatios Layola and the spanish inqistion invented the "secret police" the first form of nazism

What were the reasons for Nazism downfall?

Nazism fell in Germany because it ran out of resources and people to continue the war.