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This is when you have a service bill for being in the military in 1917, REALLY IT DOES I SWEAR!

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Q: What is the military service bill act 1917?
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What was the act that set up the military draft in 1917 called?

The Selective Service Act of 1917 set up the military draft. The act was effective on May 18, 1917 and was enacted by the 65th US Congress.

What date did conscription begin in Britain in World War 1?

27 January 1916: the Military Service Act.

Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917 requiring all men between these ages to register for military service?

21 to 31

Selective service act?

Required men to register with the govt. for a draft, in order to be randomly selected for military service. May, 1917

What law drafted 3 million Americans into military service during World War 1?

The Conscription Act of 1917

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Espionage Act of 1917

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To prepare the u.s . Military ,congress passed the selective service act in 1917. The act required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register to be draft. Almost 3million Americans were drafted into service in World War 1.

1917 forced men 21 to join military?

Men could be drafted at that age, and yes men were drafted during WWI (1917). -Also known as the Selective Service Act.

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How much is a series of 1917 act or 1863 series one dollar bill worthHow_much_is_a_series_of_1917_act_or_1863_series_one_dollar_bill_worth

What year did congress pass the selective service act?


What law started the draft?

The Selective Service Act of 1917 was enacted by the Congress on May 18, 1917.

What act provided the us with soldiers needed to fight in ww1?

The Selective Service Act of 1917.