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Q: What is the name for the mutual defense pact?
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What is the name of the pact signed by Hitler and Stalin in 1939?

The Nazi-Soviet pact, or the non-aggression pact.

What pact was made in September 1938?

I am not sure the name of the pact but The British Prime Minister signed a non-aggression pact with Germany on September 30, 1938

What the Warsaw pact?

A military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Organized in 1955 in answer to NATO, the Warsaw Pact included Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. It disintegrated in 1991, in the wake of the collapse of communism in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.The treaty was signed in Warsaw on 14 May 1955, and the pact was dissolved in Prague on 1 July 1991.The Warsaw Pact no longer exists. It was an alliance of the Eastern Bloc countries, established in 1955 by the Soviet Union as a counterpart to NATO.It is not war saw, but Warsaw. In response to the birth of the NATO, the Communist countries of Europe signed a treaty of mutual defense and military aid in May 1955. The leading country of the Warsaw Pact was the USSR. This 'coalition' collapsed in 1991, when the USSR dissolved.

To prevent the spread of communism in the Far East the United State signed a mutual defense treaty with Australia and New Zealand. what was this alliance called?


What was the purpose of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?

Just days prior to the outbreak of World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union entered formally into a non-aggression (and mutual trade-benefit) agreement that was soon known as the 'Molotov-Ribbentrop' pact. Signed in August of 1939, the purpose of this pact was, from the German side, to secure its eastern flank while engaging in war with nations to its west and to establish various trade benefits. For the Soviets, the pact would bring trade-benefits, open up expansion possibilities in the Baltic region and elsewhere, and also buy them time to further prepare their military for an eventual showdown with Germany.

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What was the mutual defense agreement in eastern Europe?

Warsaw Pact

Close association of nations formed to provide mutual help if any one of them was attacked?

Mutual Defense Treaty or Pact.

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Is it true that the Warsaw pact was a mutual defense agreement in eastern Europe?

Yes, it was between the communist countries of eastern Europe.

What is the mutual defense pact called that prevented further communist aggression in southeast Asia?

SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)

What was the Atlantic Pact?

You may mean the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was an alliance of 16 nations for mutual defense in 1949. The name comes from the US and Canada joining with the countries of western Europe. The presumed danger came from the Soviet bloc.

The original NATO was to?

The original intention of NATO was to create a mutual defense pact against the Soviet Union. NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

NATO was created in order to?

increase the stability and defense of member countries (A+)

Tripartite Pact?

Mutual defense treaty that joined the Axis Powers; Meant that if the US engaged in war with Germany, they would be fighting a two-ocean war with Japan as well

What do you understand by Warsaw pact?

The Warsaw Pact was a political and military alliance formed in 1955 among the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellite states as a response to NATO. It served as a counterbalance to Western influence during the Cold War and was dissolved in 1991 with the end of the Cold War.

Who was the Defense organisation to oppose the Warsaw Pact?
