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Q: What is the price of a Russian SKS bayonet?
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How much is a world war 1 bayonet worth?

To an interested buyer these can go anywhere between £2300-£5000, But Why would you sell such a beauty? __ Anywhere from nothing to hundreds of dollars. It's difficult to price a bayonet without knowing more about it. Condition, country, maker, whether it was used in WW1 etc all play a role in what the price would be. If you want an idea what your bayonet is worth, check out Ebay's militaria/ww1 section and compare yours to what is listed. This gives you a good idea about what the market will pay for your bayonet.

What is the value of a terni MR 2131 bayonet?

Terni gh4185 bayonet world war 1 and 2

What are facts about the bayonet?

Jamal Turdey

What groups paid the greatest price in terms of the number of lives lost during the war was it German soldiers or Russian soldiers or Japanese civilians or Japanese soldiers?

Russian soldiers

How much world war 2 bayonet worth?

it depends on the bayonet, some can cost £20 some can cost £1000s it all depends. Any markings can alter the price or even the country it's from... I presume your going to sell is so don't clean it or polish it leave it as it is as collectors pay more for this. If you would like to describe the bayonet to me or any known history then perhaps I could be of more help. If your going to take it to a antique shop for identification or a sale, stop off at at least two different shops before selling as some antique dealers lie about the bayonet and it's price for personal gain.3/4 black tip blood groove wood and brass handle with attachment ball tip shealth and says d97 .. cant read last 2 numbers maybe world war 1

Related questions

Can an sks bayonet be mounted on an ak 47?

Depends which type. The Chinese Type 56 used a similar permanently fixed bayonet, but the SKS bayonet couldn't be mounted on an AK variant which uses a detachable bayonet.

How can you tell the difference between a Chinese and a Russian SKS rifle?

Is it marked with Chinese characters or in the Cyrilic alphabet? <><><> As above. In addition, MOST Russian SKS rifles had blade style bayonets. MOST Chinese rifle had a spike type bayonet. But marlings are the defintive answer.

For an SKS rifle which is better a knife bayonet or spike bayonet?

The spike bayonet is a little more efficient at penetrating, but neither one impacts the quality of the rifle itself. The only SKS variants you'll find the spike bayonet on are the Chinese Type 56 carbine and the rather uncommon Albanian variant.

How do you ID a Yugo 762 rifle?

If your asking about a Yugoslavian SKS 7.62 x 39, then these are some things to help identify one. All Yugo's have a grenade launcher on the end of the barrel just after the sight. They also have a blade-type bayonet unlike the Chinese which have a spike-type bayonet. Don't go by just the bayonet though because the Russian SKS has a blade-type bayonet also. Also, in between the sight and the gas tube on the top of the gun, they have a flip-up sight for the grenade-launcher. Hope this helps.

What is the Accuracy of a Russian sks?

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Is Russian sks the same as Chinese sks?

Very similar, minor differences,

What is a Russian sks with tapco stock worth?

they are about $100

What is KBI Inc on a Russian SKS?

Importer name

Is Chinese sks as good as a Russian sks?

This is purely opinion on my part, but the SKS was created in Russia, and made there for a number of years before the Chinese began manufacture. The Russian SKS tends to have better quality machining than the Chinese. Both are good, but the Russian is the original, and the better built rifle. Examine one of each side-by-side, and see what you think.

How do you tell the difference in a Chinese and a Russian sks rifle?


Where is the date stamped on a Russian sks 45?

The RUSSIAN SKS may be date marked on top of the receiver cover (properly called the rear housing) , along with the symbol of the arsenal that made it.